About Me



Leader of a small team

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冬天來了, 買了新草

修剪了原有的水草, 加插了紅色的綠葉. 其餘的新相都放了在下面的album.





炎夏中不適合同時養草和養魚, 已有很長時間沒有修剪水草. 天氣終於轉良, 將雜亂無章的水草修剪了一番, 留下空間下星期補上一些前景草. 天翻地覆後的幾張魚相.

Leopard Corydoras 豹鼠

X-ray Tetra 透明旗

Small Pleco

Panda Corydoras 熊貓鼠 Posted by Picasa


最後的照片 Posted by Picasa


Recent photos of my tank, enjoy them.

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Corydoras again.
Photo 1&2 New cory from Peru
Photo 3 Other corys

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May 16

Hadn't posted any new photos for a few days.

1. My new red plant and my x-ray tetra.
2. Three corys sleep next to another new plant.
(new plants - bought these Monday)

There will be an exam on mangament this Friday. Supposingly, I should now doing some revision on it but...

Last Friday when I was about to finish the ENTLI amendment submission, I was told that a new pop up deadline of buffer and catchment is coming. How come it could be a pop-up deadline for such things. It was really a bad news for me. Anyway, I have finished my draft quickly and used up all my energy. Haha, that's why I didn't do much revision. (actually an excuse) Tomorrow Jon will check them with me (time wasting task) and the real task, catchment drawing, will begin after this.

I really want to leave the dungeon and take a B-R-E-A-K..... -_-p
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Corys, a ram and a fox.

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waited for a whole day for a call, will I receive it tomorrow? today's main tasks were playing with GIS to find out all the problems and mistakes... nothing special, just a usual day. math assignment should be submitted tonight, but I spent my time to take following pictures. q-_-!p

general view. my two little active zebras swim quite fast, can't be captured in the picture.
two of my small discus, they look funny.
two small tetra with an odd chinese name, "扯旗"
two of my corydoras, a mid size one and small size one, are digging sand and finding food. Posted by Picasa