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Corydoras again.
Photo 1&2 New cory from Peru
Photo 3 Other corys

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May 16

Hadn't posted any new photos for a few days.

1. My new red plant and my x-ray tetra.
2. Three corys sleep next to another new plant.
(new plants - bought these Monday)

There will be an exam on mangament this Friday. Supposingly, I should now doing some revision on it but...

Last Friday when I was about to finish the ENTLI amendment submission, I was told that a new pop up deadline of buffer and catchment is coming. How come it could be a pop-up deadline for such things. It was really a bad news for me. Anyway, I have finished my draft quickly and used up all my energy. Haha, that's why I didn't do much revision. (actually an excuse) Tomorrow Jon will check them with me (time wasting task) and the real task, catchment drawing, will begin after this.

I really want to leave the dungeon and take a B-R-E-A-K..... -_-p
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Corys, a ram and a fox.

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