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Aquarium view - 4 September 2007

It has been five months since my last update. In the previous few months, I was being fully occupied by works, final exams, endless dissertation and my lovely fishes shown below. Bound copies of my dissertation was submitted last week and my MSc life ended eventually.

Fishes gave birth at the wrong time. During mid March, My discus couple started to spawn and successed in their second trial. Baby discus hatched out 2 days after the spawn. The experience of breeding discus is unique and exciting, since
the parents would take care of their offsprings until the babies are old enough to find their food independantly.

13 of them suvived after the first two weeks. Recently four of them were gave to my colleague's parents, as it is quite difficult to keep too many discus in my planted aquarium. Baby fishes shown in these photos are now 5 months old. Although they are a bit smaller than those hatched by experienced keepers, they are healthy and lively.

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