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2011 Oct - Sunny 16 Rule (Photography)

Sunny 16 rule, a useful film photography technique taught by a photographer

It is used for estimation of exposure setting without light meter or for counter-checking purpose.  Since the intensity of sunlight is quite steady, people can estimate the exposure setting by experience.  An easy to remember setting was chosen to form this rule.

In a sunny day, if a film of ISO100 is used and the camera aperture is set to f16, the shutter speed is 1/125, approximately 1/100.  In other word, in f16, the ISO can be set equal to the shutter speed (1/"ISO value").

i.e.  f.16, ISO100, Shutter Speed 1/100

With understanding on exposure combinations among ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed, adjustments can easily be made according to actual condition according to actual situation and needs.

read further on Sunny 16 Rule: http://guidetofilmphotography.com/sunny-16-exposure.html
read further on Exposure Value: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_value

ISO160, f16, 1/100

ISO200, f16, 1/200

ISO200, f16, 1/200

ISO200, f16, 1/200

ISO200, f8, 1/320

ISO200, f11, 1/250

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